Why Pregnant European Women are at Risk of Developing Maternal Obesity

Why Pregnant European Women are at Risk of Developing Maternal Obesity

While pregnancy can make women vulnerable to the risks of gaining too much weight, recent studies show that most European women enter pregnancy with high BMI. The recent study findings have raised concerns since those with high prenatal BMI are likely to develop maternal obesity that can lead to adverse pregnancy and neonatal outcomes.

Moreover, maternal obesity also increases the risks of developing long-term deficiencies and neurodevelopment disorders in one’s offspring.

While Italy is known to have the lowest obesity rate, researchers Kari Bø, Maria Beatrice Benvenuti and Simonetta Draghi delved into cases in which overweight Italian pregnant women are likely to be at risk of developing maternal obesity. Their research also looked into the level of physical activities engaged in by Italian women during the child-bearing stage.

What Exactly is Physical Activity in Relation to Pregnancy

Physical activity among women does not necessarily refer to formal exercise classes or gym sessions to improve one’s health, as activity can involve a broad range of actions in relation to one’s lifestyle.

Doing domestic chores, or carrying out occupational tasks and even commuting are some examples by which pregnant women can engage in physical activity to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

However, many pregnant women in Europe were found to less active as they advanced to gestation periods, which all the more increased their risks of developing maternal obesity. The general recommendation for pregnant women is to have at least 150 minutes of physical activities on a weekly basis.

The Need for Italian Women to Have Awareness about the Dangers of Being Overweight Upon Entering Pregnancy

In Italy, traditional practices can influence the behavior of pregnant women, which greatly increases the risks posed by maternal obesity. More so if a pregnant Italian started the gestation period with high BMI.

Unlike in other European countries, Italians consider pregnant women as vulnerable members of their household. Italian families require pregnant members to take longer rests and have limited participation in carrying out domestic chores. The purpose of which is to protect the fetus and ensure healthy development. Engaging in exercise is definitely not allowed.

This tradition is supported in Italian workplaces, since it is mandatory for pregnant female workers to take a 5-month maternity leave, starting at 2 months prior to the expected date of child delivery. If prenatal checkups show that a female employee’s pregnancy is at risk, an Italian employer can give her additional time-off even before the commencement of the 5-month maternity leave. The concerns raised by the researchers is that very few women in Italy are aware of the need to stay fit by continuing to engage in physical activity.

On the other hand, women who have been taking appetite suppressants and fat-burning supplements like Reduslim Italy should refrain from doing so the moment they experience signs of pregnancy.

Although Reduslim contains natural ingredients that are considered safe because they do not have side effect, the Reduslim Italy website does promote the use of the product for pregnant women.
