Obesity or excessive weight can affect both male and female fertility, due to a combInation of several factors that cause hormonal imbalance and health issues. The good news though is that shedding even a moderate 5% to 10% of body weight, can help improve fertility and increase chances of conceiving.
How Does Excess Weight Lower Female Fertility?
The quantity of fat produced by fatty tissues in overweight and obese women can disrupt the hormonal balance regulating a woman’s menstrual cycle. Lower fertility occurs as a result of anovulation, a condition when the ovaries do not produce any egg during ovulation. Studies show that anovulation is likely to happen in women who have a body mass index (BMI) of more than 27 and as a result prevent them from conceiving.
Although ovulation is still possible for women with excess weight, it appeared in related studies that the eggs produced are of poor quality and not likely to fertilize. That is why if a couple resorts to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to conceive a child, an obese mother has lower chances of getting pregnant, when compared to receiving IVF with a normal weight or with a BMI of less than 27.
Great quantities of excess fat, partifularly in the abdominal cavity, can also increase the risk of developing insulin resistance. The latter refers to a body reaction of producing more insulin hormones, as a mechanism for normalizing the body’s blood sugar levels.
However, insulin resistance has a corollary reaction of decreasing the levels of a protein that functions as a sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), which regulates the androgen and oestrogen sex-hormones. Such an occurrence increases the tendency among women to experience irregular menstrual cycle and therefore lower their fertility or ability to conceive.
How Does Excess Weight Lower Male Fertility?
Excess weight in men is also linked to lower fertility as a result of several factors such as low hormone production, sexual dysfunction and other health disorders associated with erectile problems and low testosterone levels. Testosterone and other hormones stimulate sperm production but low testorsterones in particular can cause erection problems as well as reduce a man;s sex drive.
The problem with testosterone treatment is that medications can increase testosterone levels, the treatment can have a reducing effect on other male hormones responsible for sperm production.
Ferility Can be Improved Through Weight Loss
Based on studies linking low fertility to obesity or excessive weight, achieving weight loss of at least 7% of the body weight can improve an obese person’s fertility and ability to conceive. Increasing physical activities and shifting to consumption of more nutritious food, in addition to changing to a healthy lifestyle are the main courses of action to take. However, a fat burning weight loss supplement can help speed up the weight reduction process.
Still, it’s important to consult with one’s physician before taking a weight loss supplement to make sure that you are cleared of other health issues. A fat burner that could easily gain approval is Exipure as it’s formulation is made from organic substances known to improve metabolism.
Based on Exipure reviews from customer experiences, the weight loss pills do not make them feel tired or low after workouts. Instead it keeps them energetic and feeling upbeat about their progress.
Actually, the manufacturer of Exipure explaind that their pill not only promotes the burning of calories but also the conversion of white adipose tisses into brown adipose tissues. Doing so boosts the body’s ability to burn both the visceral and subcutaneous white fats, whilst producing high levels of energy to use for increased levels of physical activities.